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Discover the power of medicinal plants in combating respiratory ailments with Tea for Respiratory Diseases .
This tea is composed of 15 medicinal herbs, including horsetail, echinacea, sage, yarrow, mallow, reed, wild scallion, narrow and broad plantain, calendula, captalan, tall grass, pine buds and juniper. To prepare the tea, add a teaspoon of the mixture to a liter of water and leave to infuse. Consumption is recommended in the form of unsweetened infusion or with honey.
Tea for Respiratory Diseases is a valuable adjuvant in the treatment and improvement of the following conditions:
For coughs, flu, colds and red throat, the infusion of one teaspoon of the mixture to one liter of water is recommended. Consumption consists of five cups of tea per day, both before the main meals and between meals.
For more specific conditions such as bronchial asthma, the infusion of one teaspoon of the mixture per liter of water is also recommended, but three cups are consumed a day, before the main meals.
Tea for Respiratory Diseases it acts as an expectorant, antiseptic and fluidizer of tracheo-bronchial secretions, having anti-inflammatory properties and relieving the symptoms of respiratory ailments.
Treatment with this tea brings relief to respiratory conditions, especially in young people, and helps manage symptoms in the elderly.
During the treatment, avoid cold drinks, cold food and dust.
Se poate administra și gravidelor?
Folosesc aceste produse de mai bine de 15 ani, încă pe vremea când se aduceau la Brasov, sunt super bune, ceaiul de boli respiratori foarte eficient, nu trebuie sa lipsească din casele oamenilor, Crema cu untul pământului de asemenea o crema eficienta nu numai la probleme reumatice, aproape la orice, recomand Remediu Plant sunt serioși
Sunt foarte bune ,recomand!
Ce poți cere mai mult de la un ceai pentru sanatatea ta? E bine să avem solutii naturale și accesibile.
Cum să nu fie eficient un tratament naturist, cu plante atent selectionate, ambalate corect?!
Multumim pentru curajul de a fi intr-o piată relativ instabilă a plantelor medicinale,,,
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