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Discover the secret of beauty and skin care with Wolf Apple Cream combined with Starling, Marigolds, Three Spotted Brothers, St. John's wort and Mouse's Tail. This 100% natural cream, enriched with beeswax and lard, is a true adjuvant for a variety of skin conditions. From allergies, varicose veins and varicose ulcers to wet and dry eczema, itching and psoriasis, this special cream can help you keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
Wolf Apple Cream combined with Rostopasca, Marigolds, Three Spotted Brothers, St. John's wort and Mouse's Tail is a real treasure of nature. This cream contains valuable natural ingredients that benefit your skin and help tissue regeneration. From allergies to eczema, this cream is carefully crafted to give you the results you want.
The benefits of this cream include:
Apply directly to the affected area and massage gently to allow the natural ingredients to take effect. You can use this cream according to your needs, whenever you feel that your skin needs special care.
To maintain the integrity of the product, be sure to store it in a cool place away from direct light.
Am luat crema la recomandarea unei cunostinte, pentru o afectiune/dermatita care apare iarna, si care se manifesta prin uscarea foarte tare a pielii pe incheieturi (ex. coate, articulatiile degetelor), ducand pana la crapaturi/rani. Am folosit diverse creme dermatologice imbogatite cu lipide, insa ranile nu au trecut. Dupa ce am inceput sa ma dau cu crema de marul lupului, am observat o usoara imbunatatire dupa primele 2 zile, iar dupa 3 saptamani de folosire zilnica, pielea este 95% refacuta, sunt foarte incantata!
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